2 min read

Data Modeling: Cardinality

Cardinality refers to the numerical relationships between entities. It describes how many instances of one entity are associated with how many instances of another entity. Understanding cardinality is essential for designing relationships between entities in a relational database. Common cardinalities include one-to-one (1:1), one-to-many (1:N), and many-to-many (M:N).

Let's explore these cardinalities in more detail:

1. One-to-One (1:1) Cardinality:

  • In a one-to-one relationship, each record in the first entity (table) is related to at most one record in the second entity, and vice versa.
  • This type of relationship is relatively uncommon due to its restrictive nature but essentially depends on the database design requirements

2. One-to-Many (1:N) Cardinality:

  • In a one-to-many relationship, each record in the first entity can be related to multiple records in the second entity, but each record in the second entity is related to at most one record in the first entity.

Consider entities "Courses" and "StudentEnrollment." Each Course can have many Students, but each Student belongs to only one Course.

3. Many-to-Many (M:N) Cardinality:

  • In a many-to-many relationship, each record in the first entity can be related to multiple records in the second entity, and vice versa.
  • This type of relationship is typically implemented using an associative (intermediary) table.

Consider entities "Student" and "Classes" Each student can enroll in multiple Classes, and each course can have multiple students.

In the example above, the "ClassStudent" table serves as an associative table that establishes the many-to-many relationship between "Student" and "Classes."

Another high level example:

A concept related to cardinality is Optionality. Optionality represents whether an entity on one side must be joined to an entity on the other side.

In the context of entity-relationship modeling and database design, optional cardinality is often expressed using the notation "0..1" or "0..n" to indicate that there may be zero or one (for "0..1") or zero to many (for "0..n") related records in the dependent table.

Cardinality and Optionality in ER Diagrams

Cardinality and Optionality are shown by the styling of a line and its endpoint, according to the chosen notation style in ER Diagrams

Understanding cardinality is crucial for designing database relationships that accurately reflect the associations between different entities. It helps in determining how data should be structured to maintain integrity and support the requirements of the application or system. Cardinality is often represented visually in Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams, providing a clear and concise way to convey the relationships between entities.